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skip_na() is a helper function related to na.omit(). It runs a function f on a vector that may contain NAs or NaNs, skipping all the NAs, and returns the results as a vector of the same length as x with the NAs in the same places.


skip_na(x, f, min.len = 1, ...)



A vector that may have NAs


The function to run on the vector


Other parameters to supply to the function


A vector with the same length as x with NAs in the same places


x <- c(1,2,3,NA,4,5,6,NA,7,8)
skip_na(x, cumsum)
#>  [1]  1  3  6 NA 10 15 21 NA 28 36
# should return a vector the same length as x with NAs in position 4 and 8