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Used for estimating the center of mass of a fish. If we know the width and height profile, and we assume that the cross section is elliptical, then we can estimate the volume of each segment as the volume of a truncated elliptical cone.


get_volume(arclen, width, height)


arclen, width, height

Arc length, width and height. Should have the same units. N points


Volume of each segment (N-1 values). Last value will be NA


The formula for such a cone is V = pi s (w h + 1/2 dw h + 1/2 dh w + 1/3 dw dh) where s is the length of the cone, w and h are the half width and height, and dw and dh are the difference in width or height from one end to the other (e.g., dw = w(s) - w(0) if w is a function of s)