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  • If .out is NULL, returns .out_default.

  • If .out is a vector containing strings, checks to make sure that there are the same number of strings in .out as items in .out_default

  • If .out is a list with named elements, checks to make sure the names are present in .out_default. Ignores names not present in .out_default, but gives a warning. If any elements in .out_default are not in .out, uses the values from .out_default. Sorts the items in the same order as in .out_default.


check.out(.data, .out, .out_default, overwrite)



Data frame


Name for output columns


Named list containing default names for output columns


TRUE or FALSE to overwrite columns.


The updated .out list.


Checks if there are columns with the same names in the data frame .data. Gives a warning if there are such columns and overwrite is TRUE, and an error if overwrite is FALSE.